- JQuery is a JavaScript library or JavaScript Framework developed by using JavaScript.
- JQuery is not replacement of JavaScript, but it will makes JavaScript programming MORE EASIER.
- It is used to perform all client side programming.
- It is a LightWeight JavaScript library.
- It is an open source library which can be used in any website development.
The speciality of Jquery is "Write Less, Do More".
Html5 /CSS3 plays an important role in ASP.NET MVC.
Designing is easy in ASP.NET as we have Server Side Controls, but in ASP.NET MVC designing is little bit pain because we don't have Server Side controls.
The Html5 /CSS3 and Bootstrap is responsible for the UI, but the functionality
depends on JQuery.
CSS- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
- It is used to describe the LOOK and FORMAT of a HTML DOCUMENT.
- Most of the HTML tags doesn't provide attribute for changing default behaviour like background color, text color, font etc.
- In order to override/ change the default behaviour, we use CSS concept.