Tuesday, 27 March 2018



The "Discovery Learning" Tab is about the way of learning in which students find things out for themselves after acquiring sufficient Knowledge through Mr. Narasimha Rao Sir's classes.

Mr. Narasimha Rao Sir's  each and every example is related to Real Time and has different Flavors, Uniqueness and Variations.
His Teaching is always Effective, Influential and Thought Provoking.

Practice is absolutely Necessary, Simply Listening to Explanations and Theories will not do - Believe this

Mr. Narasimha Rao Sir, You bring out the Real Time scenarios in your teaching, what-else a student wants from your classes.

Sir, You have changed the PERCEPTION towards the Learning of Technologies.

                      Below are the Posts which are done by Sir's Students 
                           Note : Since Jan 1,2018 onwards  the post are considered



Sorting and Searching Using Angular JS:









Thursday, 1 March 2018

JS Logical Programming

Js Logical Programs:

var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18 12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];

1. Display all items of array.

<h3>Displaying Items of Array</h3>
var arr =[9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
for (var i =0 ; i < arr.length ; i++)

 document.write(arr[i] + "  "); // horizontal display with space
//document.write(arr[i] + "<br> "); //vertical display 
//document.write(arr[i] + " , ") // horizontal display with comma  


2. Display only even numbers of array.

<h3>Display only even numbers of array</h3>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
for(var i =0; i<arr.length ; i++)               
   if(arr[i]%2 == 0)
    var evenValue =arr[i];
    document.write(evenValue, "  ");


3. Display only Odd numbers of array.

<h3>Displaying only odd numbers of Array</h3>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
for(var i =0; i <arr.length ; i++)             
   if(arr[i]%2 != 0)
   var oddValue =arr[i];
   document.write(oddValue, "  ");


4. Display only 5 multiples of array.

<h3>Displaying 5 multiples of Array</h3>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
for(var i =0; i<arr.length ; i++)        
  if(arr[i]%5 == 0)
   var val =arr[i];
   document.write(val, "  ");


5. Display only 3 multiples that are greater than 50.

<h3>Displaying 3 multiples of Array Greater than 50 </h3>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
for(var i =0; i<arr.length ; i++)      
  if(arr[i]%3 == 0 && arr[i] > 50)
  var val =arr[i];
  document.write(val, "  ");


6. Display sum of all numbers of array.

<h3>Displaying sum of numbers of Array</h3>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
var sum=0;
for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++)         
   sum += arr[i];
 //sum = sum + arr[i];
document.write("Total Sum :" + sum);


7. Display sum of all even numbers that are less than 40.

<h3>Display sum of all even numbers that are less than 40</h3>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
var evenSum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
  if(arr[i] %2 ==0 && arr[i] < 40)
   var evenval = arr[i];
   document.write(evenval + " ");// written for usage of <pre> tag

for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
  if(arr[i] %2 ==0 && arr[i] < 40)
  evenSum += arr[i];
document.write("Sum of Even no.s less than 40 from the given array:" + evenSum);


8. Display all the array numbers in sorted order.

<p id ="p1"></p>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
var obj = document.getElementById("p1");
obj.innerHTML ="The given array : " + arr;
return a-b;
document.write("Sorted (ascending) array:" +arr);



9. Display all the array numbers in descending order.

<h3>Displaying array in Reverse (Descending) order</h3>
<p id="p1"></p>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
var obj = document.getElementById("p1");
obj.innerHTML = "The given array : " + arr; // For displaying given array

return b-a;
document.write("Reverse (Descending) Array : " + arr);


10. Perform add / remove items in arrays using following methods:
     a) push()   b) pop()   c) splice()

<h3>Array Methods (push / pop / splice) </h3>
Course Name <input id ="courseName"/><span id ="status"></span>

<input type="button" value ="Show Data" onclick="showData()"/>
<input type="button" value ="Add Item(Push)" onclick="AddItem()"/>
<input type="button" value ="Removes Last Item (POP)" onclick="Pop()"/>
<input type="button" value ="Remove Particular Item (splice)" onclick="RemoveItem()"/>

<table id="Displaytable" width="200" border="2" </table>
var arr = ["jquery","CSS3","MVC","AngularJS","Bootstrap"];
var obj = document.getElementById("Displaytable");
var objtxt = document.getElementById("courseName");

function showData()
//alert("You are in");
var str = "<tr><th>Sno</th><th>Courses</th></tr>";
for(var i in arr)                                

var n = parseInt(i)+1;
str +="<tr>";
str +="<td>" + n + "</td>";
str +="<td>" + arr[i] + "</td>";
str +="</tr>";
obj.innerHTML = str;

function AddItem()       

var index = arr.indexOf(objtxt.value);  

if(index == -1)
showData(); // for updated data
var objspan =document.getElementById("status");
objspan.innerText = " * Item already exists";


function Pop()              


function RemoveItem()
var index = arr.indexOf(objtxt.value);

</body>                                             // splice


11. Find out the largest number in the given array.

<h3>Largest No. in the given array </h3>
<p id="p1"></p>
<p id="p2"></p>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
var obj = document.getElementById("p1");
var objsorted = document.getElementById("p2");
obj.innerHTML = "The given array : " + arr; // For displaying given array
return b-a;
objsorted.innerHTML = "Sorted Array :" + arr; // For displaying sorted array
document.write("Largest Number in the given Array : " + arr[0]);


12. Find out the Smallest number in the given array.

<h3>Smallest No. in the given array </h3>
<p id="p1"></p>
<p id="p2"></p>
var arr = [9,5,3,4,15,26,18,12,95,68,55,24,66,35,77,63,96,10,6];
var obj = document.getElementById("p1");
var objsorted = document.getElementById("p2");
obj.innerHTML = "The given array : " + arr; // For displaying given array

return a-b;
objsorted.innerHTML = "Sorted Array :" + arr; // For displaying sorted array
document.write("Smallest Number in the given Array : " + arr[0]);
